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 An art manifesto is a public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement. Manifestos are sometimes in their rhetoric intended for shock value, to achieve a revolutionary effect. For this project I wrote my very own manifesto expressing my love for gothic art. I represented this style in the form of a triptych of typographic posters with custom illustrations and a heavy influence of gothic aesthetics.  Each poster has a unique title. The three parts are: Plague of Normality, Love & Emotion, and Perpetual Rebellion.




Emo Patch(Black).png


I started out by sketching a patch design and religious figures. I chose religious icons because gothic art has such a strong relationship with religion. In order to reference the content I’m taking a religious icon and changing something about it to make it gothic in some way. For example, I drew a Virgin Mary and then added gushing tears raining down her face to make it angsty and less typical. In art this technique is referred to as appropriation. I did the same thing with Cupid and gave him demon wings instead of the traditional small angel wings. Finally, I chose to appropriate Mickey Mouse in honor of the character entering into the public domain this year.

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